When you prepare to sell your home, put yourself in the buyer’s seat and really take a good look at your house. Making minor touch-ups could make a favorable impression – and possibly seal the deal. You may want to consider hiring a home stager to help realize the full potential of your home sale. They will give you an honest, non-biased opinion on how you can maximize your home’s assets. Here are some suggestions from our professional home stager, Jacquie Wilson.
#1 – The first item on the list is storage!
#2 – Another way to prepare your home to sell faster is to maximize the light.
Suggestion: good light is one of the most sought-after points when buyers are looking at homes. Make sure that your windows are clean, increase the wattage/replace light bulbs, take down the heavy drapes and maybe even trim the bushes outside to allow the natural light to come in. Bright and cheery is a definite plus.
#3 – Quick fixes or minor touch-ups will pay-off – huge improvement projects won’t!
Suggestion: do updates that will help you to get the maximum profit from your sale. Fresh coat of paint on the walls (neutral colors work best), light and airy curtains that allow light in, replacement handles or cabinet hardware, be sure to lubricate squeaking doors, windows and/or cabinets and make sure to check the grout in the kitchen and baths … it should be cleaned or refreshed.
#4 – Another important tip is to not make it personal.
Suggestion: a rule of thumb is to remove a third of your personal stuff and put it in storage – family photos, collections and personal keepsakes – go through and remove at least 1/3 of these items. You want the potential buyers to see themselves in your home. They can’t do that if they can’t imagine themselves living there.
#5 – According to the experts, you’re not actually selling your home, but you’re selling your kitchen.
Suggestion: some of the fastest, most inexpensive kitchen updates include painting the cabinets and attaching new cabinet hardware. Present potential home buyers with a blank canvas and use a neutral-color pallet. Many home stagers use fresh flowers or a bowl of fruit displayed on the counter to add color and detail. Keep the countertops as clear of clutter as possible.
#5 – According to the experts, you’re not actually selling your home, but you’re selling your kitchen.
Suggestion: some of the fastest, most inexpensive kitchen updates include painting the cabinets and attaching new cabinet hardware. Present potential home buyers with a blank canvas and use a neutral-color pallet. Many home stagers use fresh flowers or a bowl of fruit displayed on the counter to add color and detail. Keep the countertops as clear of clutter as possible.
#6 – And remember, you never have a second chance to make a first impression.
Suggestion: make sure you look over the exterior of your home … you want people to feel warm and welcome when they walk up to your door. You can spruce up your home’s exterior with inexpensive shrubs, repaint your front door or plant brightly colored flowers. You want their first impression to be positive before they even walk through the door.
Everyone wants to sell their home in the least amount of time at the best possible price, right? The simple truth is that homes that are super clean and have neutral, pleasing décor sell faster and for more money than homes that don’t. It doesn’t need to cost a lot of money, just follow these steps and be certain to present your home in its best possible light.
Until next time, Happy Staging!